Healthy Living

Articles to Better Your Health

Zero Calorie All-Natural Sweetener with Fiber

A total break through in sweeteners!!! A Zero Calorie All-Natural Sweetener with Fiber.

Okay when I first saw this product I couldn’t believe it. Really there was a new sugar on the block. Now being a chef I do read a lot about artificial sweeteners. I have read scary stories about the yellow packets that made me shy away from it. I had read in a British newspaper that studies showed it to block nutrition absorption and actually cause us to gain weight. So, I didn’t want to use that anymore.

Then there are the blue sugar packets and the pink sugar packets as I like to call them. Not feeling so hot about those either. I have read everything from causing cancer to just about everything in between. We use to have debates back in high school about how bad these two color packets were for you.
So I just stay with regular old sugar.

So when Reliv came out with their Relivables product line, I was like cool. Then when I found out about Relivables all-natural sweetener with a gram of fiber… SOLD!!

It is less sugar than I currently consume, and it is good for you!? I have yet to come across a sweetener that was good for you to take. I think it is brilliant on Reliv’s part.

Now you will not find this product in your stores. You are going to have to talk to a Reliv Distributor.
Download this special fiber focused issue of Reliv’s Health & Science newsletter.
For more product information click on Relivables.

An amazing Article done about Sugar Substitutes, and Breaking Sugar Addiction

Katrina van Oudheusden
Reliv Independent Distributor

Our products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or medical condition. Our products are designed to provide optimal, balanced nutrition and to target specific wellness needs.

January 30, 2010 Posted by | diabetes, Diets, Health, Health and Wellness, Nutrition, Reliv, Wellness | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Fiber Loves Your Heart

Fiber Loves Your Heart

Fiber plays an important role in lowering your risk of heart disease. Harvard researchers found that a high total dietary fiber intake was linked to a 40 percent lower risk of heart disease. In addition, several studies show a high-fiber diet with whole grains can also help prevent metabolic syndrome, which often leads to heart disease as well as diabetes.

One of fiber’s key heart benefits is in reducing cholesterol. Including soluble fibers in your diet, such as those found in citrus fruits, oats, lentils and beans, reduces LDL (bad) cholesterol even lower than a diet low in saturated and trans fats and cholesterol alone. Oats have the highest proportion of soluble fiber of any grain.

Studies show fiber can also help reduce or even prevent high blood pressure. A Harvard study showed an intake of 24 grams/day or more of fiber was found to provide significant protection against developing high blood pressure.

Another study of people who already had high blood pressure showed that adding fiber to their diet significantly reduced both systolic (the top number in a blood pressure reading) and diastolic (the bottom number) blood pressure.

The average American only eats about 15 grams of dietary fiber per day, which is just half of the American Dietetic Association recommended amounts of 20 to 35 grams.

To boost your fiber intake and your heart health, add Reliv’s FibRestore® to your daily diet. It’s loaded with 10 grams of soluble and insoluble fiber per serving, plus Beta Carotene and Vitamins C and E. In clinical trial, Reliv Now® and FibRestore were shown to reduce average cholesterol by 14 percent while also reducing average LDL, triglycerides, and uric acid levels. View the study.

Katrina van Oudheusden
Independent Reliv Distributor

Our products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or medical condition. Our products are designed to provide optimal, balanced nutrition and to target specific wellness needs.

January 26, 2010 Posted by | Diets, Health, Health and Wellness, Heart Disease, Nutrition, Wellness | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

CardioSentials – Reliv Product Review

“The combination of product ingredients is highly unique– no other company produces anything close”
Dr. Joe Vinson
Renowned researcher and Professor of Chemistry at the University of Scranton

Purpose: Promotes total heart health
Servings: 28
Directions: Mix one scoop daily with 6-8 oz. of water or other favorite beverage.

It has… (Features)  Which means… (Benefits)

(Feature #1) A clinical study supporting product
effectiveness and safety…

(Benefit #1)…it’s proven effective! The study showed
significant reduction in cholesterol, LDL
(bad) cholesterol and glucose, while
raising HDL (good) cholesterol and lowering
triglycerides. It significantly decreased
overall risk factors for heart disease.

(Feature #2) 1.5 grams of phytosterols, on track
with the American Heart Association’s
recommendation of 1 to 2 grams daily
to reduce heart disease risk…

(Benefit #2) …you’ll be helping to block the absorption
of cholesterol in the digestive tract to
reduce total cholesterol levels.

(Feature #3) Policosanol…

(Benefit #3) …you can reduce LDL cholesterol while
raising HDL cholesterol, and improve
coronary blood flow.

(Feature #4) OptiBerry®, a patented blend of
berry extracts with powerful
antioxidant capabilities…

(Benefit #4) …you’ll be helping to relax your arterial
walls and keep blood flowing.

(Feature #5) CoQ10, an important heart-protective
antioxidant produced naturally in
the body…

(Benefit #5) …it energizes heart function, reduces LDL
cholesterol oxidation and supplements
amounts that are diminished by age and
the body’s reaction to statin medication.

(Feature #6) Gugulipid, a powerful herbal antioxidant…
(Benefit #6) …you can help maintain healthy levels of
cholesterol and triglycerides and protect
against hardening of the arteries.


Katrina van Oudheusden

Independent Reliv Distributor

Every 33 seconds, someone in America dies of cardiovascular disease.

More information

Clinical Study

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

January 23, 2010 Posted by | Diets, Health, Health and Wellness, Heart Disease, Nutrition, Wellness | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 6 Comments

Reliv Says the Battle Against Heart Disease Can Be Won

Fox Business News Posted an article that said,
“Reliv Says the Battle Against Heart Disease Can Be Won”

This was a short article but if you have question please feel free to check out my site for more information.

Katrina van Oudheusden
Independent Reliv Distributor

Our products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or medical condition. Our products are designed to provide optimal, balanced nutrition and to target specific wellness needs.

January 23, 2010 Posted by | Health, Health and Wellness, Heart Disease, Nutrition, Reliv | , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Shake off the Mid Winter Blahs

The excitement of the holidays is over. The weather is uncooperative. The sun is being stingy. Even here in Florida. And it seems there’s a long, dreary stretch between now and the time any flower buds appear. You may feel irritable, sluggish, bored and start packing on a few pounds. Got the mid-winter blahs?

While some people do suffer from a form of depression called seasonal affective disorder (SAD) that rears its head in winter, many people just have the winter blahs or cabin fever. In fact, scientists have found most people’s moods slump when the weather gets colder. Researchers believe it’s partly due to the lack of light in colder months.

If you’re feeling less than perky this winter season, take a few steps to nip the blahs in the bud:

Brighten up. Open your blinds or curtains to let the light in, especially on sunny days.

Get outside. Unless it’s dangerously cold, get outside. That’s what coats, gloves and hats are made for! Take a short walk around the block. Appreciate the seasonal change in landscape. If you’re feeling adventurous, go ice skating or sledding. The brisk air will make you feel more energetic, too.

Make plans. If you don’t have to get out for work, it’s too easy to hole up inside. To keep you feeling productive and less isolated, write a list of things to do for the day, like running errands, meeting a friend for breakfast or lunch, cleaning out closets, planning your spring garden. Or try volunteer work.

Color your world. Keep your home or office flush with green plants and keep something that’s cheery orange on your desk or coffee table. Reds and yellows are mood-lifters, too. Even a bright scarf can boost your mood.

Exercise. Stimulate your body with happy hormones that come from blood-pumping exercise while you build immunity at the same time. Join a league, a fitness class, hit the treadmill or simply take a walk or jog in the daylight.

Pay attention to nutrition. Resist the urge for sugary snacks, which sends energy and mood levels on a roller coaster ride. Also, when sunlight is lacking, your body’s store of Vitamin D may dip low. Vitamin D can elevate mood and protect immunity, both key in winter, while strengthening teeth and bones. You may need to supplement with Vitamin D for optimal amounts. Omega-3 is another proven mood booster. And make sure you’re eating plenty of brightly colored foods, including fruits, vegetables and dark leafy greens.

To shore up your nutritional needs in an easy, economical way, enjoy Relìv Classic® or Relìv Now® shakes every day. These shakes offer the essential nutrition you need to function at your best year round.

Katrina van Oudheusden
Independent Reliv Distributor

Our products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or medical condition. Our products are designed to provide optimal, balanced nutrition and to target specific wellness needs.

January 16, 2010 Posted by | Health, Health and Wellness, Nutrition, Wellness | , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment