Healthy Living

Articles to Better Your Health

Burger Diet Increases Kids’ asthma and wheezing risk

Don’t say you weren’t warned:

Burger Diet Increases Kids’ asthma and wheezing risk

There was a study done just recently that stated eating a diet of mainly burgers can increase the risk of asthma in children. When you look at the number of available fast food chains and what is typically served in school cafeteria this is starting to make sense. One of the biggest down falls of our burger is the fact that they now contain ammonia. Check out this article, ammonia treated burgers. for more information about how the meat companies are taking floor scraps and adding them back into your meat.

This maybe one of the contributing factors to why our children are starting to develop help risks. Our food is so chemically alter or enhanced that it doesn’t even resemble the food of 20 years ago. I know we believe we are making progress, but I feel we are actually taking steps backwards with our food. One of the basic things we need to survive is food and right now I truly believe it is also the one thing that is killing up because it no longer has any nutritional value.  Our immune systems are at an all time low and we are seeing our kids develope asthma, high cholesterol, high blood pressure and many more ailments that we typically see with older people.

So my caution to you.. Start being more aware of what you eat and the need to supplement is greater now than ever before.

To find more on the study for “” click on the link.

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Cheers to Your Optimal Health!

Katrina van Oudheusden

July 20, 2010 - Posted by | Food Allergies, Health, Health and Wellness | , , , , ,

1 Comment »

  1. Thanks for your post. I have noticed that when I eat meat I do get a little sick, but when I use to eat burgers I did not. All that changed when I watched the documentary Food inc. There I learned that I burger meat was submerged in Ammonia. That made sense because I did not use to get sick when I use to eat the burger at the local fast food restaurant. I know I am not a kid, but still it does affect adults as well.

    Comment by pookito | July 20, 2010 | Reply

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